A brief introduction to Darwin Information Typing Architecture


One of DITA's strengths is the ability of authors and architects to specialize topic types and domains to better suit their purposes.

Topic Specialization

According to IBM, topic specialization is ...the process by which authors and architects define new topic types, while maintaining compatibility with existing style sheets, transforms, and processes.

Authors can select one of three types of topics to specialize their topic. These include:

For more information on what these types include, visit the Topic Orientation page.

Domain Specialization

When creating topics, sometimes authors and architects need to use more specialized sets of elements. These sets are called domains.

What is a Domain?

According to IBM, a domain is an aspect of DITA which gathers a set of specialized content elements for a specific purpose, providing a specialized vocabulary.

What are Some Already Domains within DITA?

How can Domains be Specialized?

Authors and architects can combine existing domains, create new domains, and reuse new domains created by others. For more information on this topic, see Specializing Domains in DITA or Design Patterns for Information Architecture with DITA Map Domains.