
Katherine Wertz

Katherine Wertz


I am a graduate of Missouri State University's MA in Writing program, Technical and Professional Track. I am a technical communicator specializing in computer documentation, web writing, document design, and more. For more information about my qualifications and background, see my résumé.

Introducing This Portfolio

This handcoded website has examples of my writing and technical work from throughout my academic career, including software documentation, web design, and more. For a more detailed breakdown, see the links above or the descriptions below.

Software Documentation

For real clients as a part of my classes, I wrote user guides, a software tutorial, and a quick start guide. The user guide and software tutorial were completed using RoboHelp 8 and 9 as well as SnagIt.

Link to Sonar3 Help System Link to Word 2010 Tutorial

The screencaps above link to my Sonar3 help system (left) and my Word 2010 tutorial (right).

For more information as well as examples, see the Software Documentation page.

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Using HTML5 and CSS3, I handcoded an interactive résumé (see below), a small website on DITA, and this portfolio website. I also used Notepad++, Photoshop CS6, and SnagIt to create these projects.

Link to Interactive Résumé

Above is a screencap of my interactive résumé.

For more information as well as examples, see the HTML5 & CSS3 page.

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As a part of my internship with Anaphora Literary Press, I designed a series of press releases and fliers. Also, during a group project with a client in Cabool, MO, I wrote web copy and a blog entry.

Link to Press Releases page Link to Fliers page

The pictures above are a couple examples of my press releases (left) and fliers (right).

For more information as well as examples, see the Marketing page.

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I have published an article in the Metropolitan Bride Magazine, a regional bridal magazine, as well as a Q&A article in the Pennsylvania Literary Journal. Additionally, I collaborated as an Associate Editor on a readings compilation textbook for a freshman composition course at Missouri State University.

For more information as well as examples, see the Publications page.

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Throughout my academic career, I have written many essays, both academic and nonfiction, including a medical tourism research paper and several cultural criticism essays.

For more information as well as examples, see the Essays page.

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As a former creative writing BA, I have written many short stories as well as explored screenwriting.

For more information as well as examples, see the Fiction page.

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As a part of an undergraduate technical editing class, I learned how to edit documents using the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Levels of Edit.

For more information as well as examples, see the Editing page.

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