
Katherine Wertz


I wrote or contributed to the following publications as a part of an internship and freelance work.

Pennsylvania Literary Press Q&A Article

I interviewed via email Tina Gharavi, the Director and Screenwriter of I Am Nasrine. Published in the Summer 2012 issue, Volume IV, Issue 2, of the Pennsylvania Literary Journal, I wrote this article as a part of my summer 2012 internship with Anaphora Literary Press.


After researching Gharavi, I emailed her an interview and press packet request. Based on this material, I sent her a list of questions which formed the basis of the article.

Summer 2012 issue, Volume IV, Issue 2 Pennsylvania Literary Journal

Above is the cover for the Summer 2012 issue of the Pennsylvania Literary Journal

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Metropolitan Bride Magazine Article

Metropolitan Bride Magazine is a midwestern regional bridal magazine. As a Contributing Writer in October 2010, I interviewed a newlywed couple and wrote a published article about their wedding.


I conducted a phone interview with the couple, using questions based off of a list provided by the magazine. Afterwards, I wrote the article, which went through a series of peer review edits with the magazine editor using Google Docs.

Metropolitan Bride Magazine website

Above is a screencapture of the Metropolitan Bride Magazine website.

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