
Katherine Wertz

Web Copy

As a part of a fall 2011 graduate-level group project working with the residents of Cabool, Missouri to encourage potential new residents to move to Cabool, I wrote web content for the Cabool website, including content for the following pages:

I also helped write the Low Tax and Utility Rates page as well as wrote a blog post and sections of a promotional brochure.


As a group, we first assigned web pages to group members. When working on our own pages, we looked at what information our clients needed as well as what information already existed on their old website. From there, we emailed questions to our clients as well as researched additional information online and visited Cabool itself. After we wrote the initial drafts, we gave our drafts to our professor for review. Finally, we revised our content based off of her comments and our group members' and put it on the website.